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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Something New

Welcome to our new "blog." We hope to connect with many friends (old and new) from all over the world. Whether you are a member of our church (Rock Hill Christian Fellowship in White Oak Texas) or a "shulamite" who hungers for deeper intimacy with Christ - you are welcome here!


Inspired Comblogulations said...

I love the blog... great job.

If I can be of any help let me know... this is my play etc...I even illustrated your Christmas sermon with old masters art... on the Holocaust caused by Herod. I named it Peaceable Kingdom...You can find it by clicking on 2009 December...some of my post are ridiculous and lighthearted...I have seen much worse, I have about 76 followers most are Christians ... some well ...?

I will put you on my blog roll with 'Faded Ladies' and 'A day in the Life' and 'Heavenly Humor'...if you visit them they most likely will pay you a visit and put you on there will see me there. I will make a Christian roll...the rest of my followers are decorators...designers and artist, house wives, etc... If you add a picture it might help...when you are on my roll it will pop up with your title and the hours since you posted which leads people in, I started this blog around August... I don't blog as much as most because it eats your time.

'A day in the Life' grew rapidly...she built it around her play blog...I think she goes to IHOP but I am not sure. This has been an amazing experience...I have met people all over the world, you can click on my comments and see what they said... I have gotten a little spam but it was in Japanese...I could read one word so it tipped me off. I would recommend a 'site meter' which is free. I get around 35 hits a day...if I post something exceptional I get around 300 hits a week... 40 comments or so. but I have slowed way down, on posting. When you follow another blog or comment they normally will pay you a visit.

If you want to spell check your comments on blogs right click and the menu will offer a spell check. It also offers Google translate on foreiegn blogs. It took me a while to figure this out. If nothing else, I have prayed over and been blessed by so many, I am a little blog with a big following...some of the blogs I like have 800 to 1000 followers and only get a few comments maybe they are doing well on twitter....some email me with there problems and ask advice and for prayer...if you go to blogs and comment leave your blog name or url you will get clicks that way...other bloggers will recommend you and grow your blog. There is blogging could Google that. I will add a spiritual blog list using the gadget widget. It will appear on my sidebar. You will see your site there...

Your blog post titles are critical for use key words for google searches...
Let me know if you have any questions I can help with. If you want we can delete this comment, cause 'I'll be back'! There will be a little trash can beside it or if you have your comments set on approval you can delete it there.

Lee...alias you know who...the odd sheep
I am off to set up a Spiritual blog list.

Lee said...

it is obvious I didn't use the spell

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