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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Mystery of the Fourth Word

The very first words of the Bible contain what Jewish scholars call the "Fourth Word". Below I have shown the verse "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth" written in Hebrew.

בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ.

To find the Fourth Word in this sentence, you must count from right to left since the Hebrew language reads in the opposite direction of English.

The fourth word appears as - אֵת

It is formed by two letters "Aleph" and "Tov" which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This two-letter word is considered a mystery by the Jews because it has no real meaning in the context of the sentence.

Literally the English translation of the Hebrew reads:

In the beginning God (AZ) created the heavens and the earth.

A unique aspect of the Hebrew alphabet is that each letter has a corresponding pictograph similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics. The pictograph for the letter "Aleph" is the image of an ox and it represents strength or leadership. The pictograph for the letter "Tov" is the image of a cross. So, in essence, the mysterious Fourth Word speaks of the "Leader of the Cross".

But, there can be no doubt what the true meaning of the mysterious Fourth Word.
Four times in the book of Revelation Jesus Christ referred to Himself as the "Alpha and Omega" or the "Aleph and Tov!"

God, who declares the end of things from the beginning certainly did so when He inserted the Fourth Word into the very first sentence of the Bible.

"In the beginning God (The Alpha and Omega, Jesus Christ, The Leader of the Cross) created the heavens and the earth."

1 comment:

Paula Mary said...

Hello, I'm very surprized and pleased to find you.. I have a Vision from God that I think might interest you. I was being saved by God after a long 8 month battle with the darkness. It left me stressed and I was dieing of fibromyalgii and a sleep disorder. God opened and windo and a blue light shown down on me for about 30 sec. After this miracle He told me to turn on the tv. there were two preachers adn one had come to see Ron Parsely because of a Vision from God about the Shulamite Bride. He prophesied about a women who was being taken out of the darkness as they spoke.. I knew this was for me and that her biblical name is the Shulamite Bride. How she is suppose to help turn the tide of sin in this nation and ready the bride.. God has been preparing me ever since. and it's more of a story. It's clear he has given you this vision and I would like to meet with you to know more. I'm going to pray to God about if this was a divine appointment stumbbling on your site. I'm so glad to see God moving...
Paula Mary
The Shulamite

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