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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pray, Beloved! Pray

By now it is likely you have seen the night-vision images of Israeli commandos rappelling from helicopters onto a ship carrying what they described as humanitarian supplies to Gaza early Monday morning. The Israelis expected only minimal resistance from the pro-Palestinian activists on board but soon found they had underestimated the threat. Immediately the commandos were set upon with iron pipes, knives, pepper spray and other weapons. One of the Israelis was even beaten and thrown over-board. It was an unexpected reaction from self-described "peace activists." The confrontation ended with nine activists killed and many more wounded including seven Israeli soldiers.

Immediately a flurry of countries trampled over each other in their effort to condemn the actions of the Israelis and label them the "aggressors" even though video clearly shows they were surrounded and unmercifully attacked as they reached the deck of the ship. Before the confrontation, the Israeli officials repeatedly offered to allow the vessel to unload their cargo in the port of Ashdod to be shipped overland to the Gaza Strip. This would allow the Israelis to inspect the shipment for weapons. The "love boat" refused those offers making it appear that the whole spectacle was designed to provoke Israel into a possible war.
What resulted was a widespread international calls for Israel to abandon its embargo of Gaza and a mass condemnation of Israel. What many people do not understand is that Israel has always allowed food, medicine, fuel and other necessary staples to be shipped into Gaza. The only items that are restricted are those that can be used to construct weaponry. Because of the embargo, Hamas has had to smuggle arms through the Egyptian border and would love for the embargo to end.


As I write, a second flotilla is headed for the Gaza blockade in an effort to nudge Israel to war. The serious nature of this kind of provocation can not be emphasized enough. Within hours the world could literally be choosing sides for or against Israel in a military conflict. On Monday, Egypt reacted to the news event by opening its border with Gaza to allow supplies to flow unhindered and unchecked. That means weapons are now flowing freely into the hands of terrorist on the Gaza Strip.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out that, since this incident, Hamas is now smuggling thousands of Iranian rockets, missiles and other weapons into Gaza. Many of them have the capabilities of reaching deep into Israel - including all the way to Jerusalem.

"This wasn't a love boat", he said, " this was a hate boat.....[and] I regret to say that for many in the international community no evidence is needed. Israel is guilty until proven guilty."


Sadly, Israel waits to hear voices of solid support from her few friends in the world including the United States. Instead, they hear only carefully parsed words from cowardly politicians. In March, North Korea sank a South Korean boat killing over 40 people. It was a clear act of unprovoked aggression. Did the world react with shouts of denunciation? No. Just barely a whisper could be heard.
But when Israel defends herself against avowed terrorists the whole world turns on her. Why this extreme hatred for the Jews? It can only be understood as being something more than anti-Semitism. The hatred of the world against the Jews is nothing less than satanic in nature. It is a spiritual hatred fomented by ancient evil. In Iran, a Hitler-esque dictator calls for the mass genocide of the Jews and no one blinks an eye! Is he isolated by the nations of the world for calling for the destruction of Israel? No. He is invited to stand before them at the United Nations and make his case! He denies the holocaust of Hitler while plotting his own annihilation of the Jews!


This "peace boat" incident has served to expose the world-wide hatred that exists against Israel. It was there all along, but now it has been flushed out of it's dark hole.

As Christians, living in these Last Days, we must understand that we are walking a close parallel path with the Jews which is destined to intersect. It will happen when they say "Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!" A great spiritual awakening awaits the Jews and has already begun. They are the recipients of the last harvest cycle of the earth - called the "gleanings." In 1990 less than 2,000 Jews living in Israel proclaimed faith in Yeshua. Today, over 15,000 do so and that number is growing daily especially among the young people! Now, is a crucial time for the Jews. As war is threatening to break out, they need a break-through! They need our prayers, our financial aid, and our uncompromised friendship.


We must not underestimate the importance of the events unfolding in the news. Forces are trying to bait Israel into all out war. Her enemies have seen the initial reaction of this recent event and now they know that it is possible to galvanize the world against Israel. Jerusalem is becoming a "cup of trembling" for all nations. If our nation, the United States, decides to align with Israel's enemies she runs the risk of coming under God's judgment. I believe that within the next 72 hours we will either find ourselves involved in a Middle East conflict or a war will be diverted by God's mercy. Prayer is our only hope. So, pray Beloved! Pray!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mark for being one of too few who have told the truth of the situation. I'm just a mom from the suburbs, but I'm praying.

Anonymous said...

It's scarey to realise that we invite God's anger when we despise and turn against His people Israel(Judah). Thanks for good clear info
Jean (UK)

blessforindia said...



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