In case you were wondering when the world would end - it is official now. The exact date is October 21, 2011 - at least according to a certain group of believers who are bringing their message to the world via billboards and other forms of media. But wait - I thought the Mayan calendar predicts the demise of the earth on December 21, 2012? And in Australia, there is a religious leader telling his followers to flee to the South Pacific island of Vanuatu to save them from the end of the world.
So, when will it happen? To where should we flee and how can we prepare?
While we often think of the end of the world as a sudden cataclysmic event, the Bible actually describes it as a progressive series of events which grow more intense until everything finally comes crashing down. These escalating events are compared to the human birthing process. The Jews call the time right before the Messiah appears the "days of the chevlei Mashiach" which means the "birth pangs of the Messiah" (Sanhedrin 98a; Ketubot, Bereshit Rabbah 42:4)
In Matthew 24:8 Jesus, Himself described the progressive process of the end of the world in the same way. He called it the "beginning of sorrows." The Greek word for "sorrows" means "birth pangs." They are the first signs that the world is beginning to unravel. They begin as subtle signs that things are not the way they have always been. As I write this, unusual animal deaths are being reported all over the world. Thousands of blackbirds mysteriously fell from the sky in Arkansas. The first reason the experts gave was that they were frightened by fireworks. But then, thousands more fell to earth in Louisiana, Kentucky, and Texas. Then hundreds more crashed to the ground dead in Sweden and over eight hundred crashed to their death in Italy. At the same time, thousands of fish suddenly died and their carcasses clogged a river in Florida while over 100,000 drumfish filled the Arkansas river. Over two million fish suddenly died in Chesapeake Bay and a carpet of snapper fish floated up on a New Zealand beach. Finally in the United Kingdom, 40,000 crabs mysteriously died and drifted to shore. All of these unexplainable events happened within the span of a few days. Does God have our attention yet?
In my book, Becoming the Beloved, I write about Pastor Mark Biltz and his discovery of upcoming cosmic phenomena of "blood moons" occurring in 2014 and 2015. What makes these blood moons unique is that they form what is called a "tetrad." A tetrad is when four consecutive lunar eclipses all happen to be total eclipses, Tetrads happen rarely but Pastor Biltz noticed something interesting about the upcoming tetrads as well as tetrads of the past.
* The first Tetrad on record happened in 1493-1494 during the Jewish Dispersion when Jews were being driven from nation to nation and scattered across the whole world.
* The second Tetrad happened in 1949-1950 during which Israel was becoming a Nation again.
* The third Tetrad came in 1967-1968 and marked the 6th Day War when Israel gained control of Jerusalem after almost 2,000 years of Gentile occupation.
* Now, the fourth Tetrad of 2014-2015 is upon us. What will it's appearing portend?
The greatest sign that we are now living at the edge of the end of the age, is the fact that Israel once again exists as a sovereign nation, as foretold by her prophets (Jer.30:1-3.) Never before in history has a nation been dismantled and scattered to the four corners of the earth only to be re-gathered and reconstituted again. These signs in the heavens are pointing the eyes of the world toward Israel as the door to the Gentiles is closing and the door of His favor is returning to her.
The 9th century Rabbi Eliezer prophesied that just before the coming of Messiah, the spirit of "Ishmael" would arise in power to terrorize the whole world. (see Pirkei d'Rabbi Eliezer.) According to the Jewish commentary called the Yalkut, right before Messiah comes, the king of Persia (modern day Iran) will possess a weapon with which he will terrorize the whole world. Does this sound familiar? Iran's current President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is obsessed on developing nuclear weapons and the whole world holds it's collective breath in horror at the possibility that he will reach his goal. Also, according to Jewish religious lore, an evil Messiah called by the mystery name, Armilus, will appear to save the day by diffusing the terror of Ishmael. He does so by negotiating a a peace treaty for the Middle East. Armilus is clearly a reference to who we, as followers of Jesus, call the Antichrist. This false peace will not hold together, however. The Bible declares that "...when they shall say, "peace and safety" then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman and they will not escape (1 Thess. 5:3.) The peace treaty of Antichrist will signal the end of the period called the "birth pangs of Messiah" and will set the clock for the countdown of the final seven years of the earth.
Personally I don't believe the world will end on October 21, 2011 or on December 21, 2012 because I think the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus will comes for His Bride right before or just as the Tribulation is beginning. He will keep His promise to spare his Beloved from "the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth" (Rev.3:10). Ironically, however, this kind of date setting and end-of-the-world prognostication is itself a sign that we are living in the Last Days! Jesus warned of false prophets arising in the end to deceive many people.
Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
With all of these events swirling around us, how can we forge a reliable path toward the future and what is to come without fear and dread? Where is a sure prophetic word we can rely upon?
When the Bridal Revelation first came to me in 2002 it was a revelation of how we could experience true intimacy and affection with Christ in the place of prayer. Later, the revelation grew to include an understanding of the Bride's unique place in the events of the Last Days. Now, I am coming to see that the next phase in the Bride's maturity is an understanding that she is called to become a clear and sure prophetic voice for the days ahead. Indeed, it is the Spirit and the Bride who say "Come" (Rev 22:17.)
In this, my final offering for 2010, I want to share with you some of what I am sensing prophetically for the coming year and beyond.
1) Global Fear
Beginning now and extending all the way through 2012 great fear that the end of the world is upon us will spread around the world. Amazingly, much of the Church will be caught up in the panic right along with unbelievers. When the various dates which have been set for the end to occur come and go without incident, the fear and panic people felt will largely give way to a spirit of scoffing and mockery. After that, no one will dare speak of the "end of the world" for fear of being laughed to scorn. In other words, the world will settle into a false sense of security while in reality, the end of the world is indeed growing ominously nearer as the "birth pangs" intensify. The only way we can prepare for something as cataclysmic as the end of the world is to prepare our hearts before God. Jesus is not returning for a Bride who is hunkered down in a cave eating army rations and overcome with fear like everyone else. His Bride will face the future with joyful expectancy and confidence! Remember Jesus said that "when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28) Do fish dying and birds crashing to earth spark fear and panic in your heart? It shouldn't. These birth pangs are simply signs that our wedding day is near! In the days to come, the Bride will be distinguished from the Church by her mood of calm in the face of global panic.
2) Signs in heavens and earth
There will be an increase in unusual signs on earth and in the heavens too. On earth, earthquakes and other natural disasters will increase greatly. This is to be expected. Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, typhoons, snow blizzards, mudslides and droughts killed at least a quarter of a million people this year alone making 2010 one of the deadliest years ever. But remember, these are birth pangs which steadily intensify so look for more death and destruction around the globe from natural disasters in 2011 and beyond. However, I believe we will also witness an increase in unusual signs in nature such as the mass deaths of the birds and fish we are seeing right now.
In the heavens, look for unusual "wonders" in the form of strange cloud formations over cities and fireballs streaking through night skies taking astronomers by surprise and leaving them without explanations. Strange lights may also appear over cities adding to the fear of an apocalypse.
3) Judgment in the Church
As the judgment of the earth grows near, we must brace ourselves because for God's judgment to be righteous it must begin at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17.) A purification process has already begun in the Church. 2010 saw many things exposed in the Body of Christ but even more will be exposed this year and every year to follow. I have a sense that a wave of exposure will be coming soon specifically to prophetic and apostolic ministries. The Bible says the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. God will shake the Church to her foundations in the months to come. Meanwhile, the Bride who is hidden within the church will become more devoted to a holy lifestyle of communing prayer, intimate worship, and moral purity. She is the pearl of great price being secretly formed inside of the unclean oyster (church.)
4) Growth of the Bridal Revelation
2011 will witness the beginning of an expansion of the Bridal Revelation. Some will seize upon the revelation as just another "teaching" or platform for their ministry - but others will carry the message with pure hands and purer hearts. Pray to have discernment.
5) Emergence of a more sure prophetic word through the Bride of Christ.
In 2011, a more accurate prophetic voice will begin to emerge from those who comprise the Bridal Company. As confidence in the former prophetic ministries is shaken by scandal, the Bride's voice will begin to be more clearly discerned as she speaks with humility, boldness, and razor-sharp accuracy. The Bride in the Song of Solomon hailed from the village of Shunem which was located in the region of land allocated to the prophetic tribe of Issachar. Issachar had an understanding of the "times and seasons" and "knew what God's people should do." (1 Chronicles 12:32) The Lord has shown me that growth in the prophetic gift is the next phase in the Bride's preparation as she continues to mature. She will understand the timing of what God is doing and will be able to offer guidance and confidence to those who hear her above the voices of fear.
Humility, Boldness and Accuracy...what a beautiful combination at work...reminds me of someone else I know....Jesus. I think these are inner qualities birthed by being with Him in the secret place. I am noticing the formation of a person..a Bride... who challenges the old insecurities that used to keep me nailed the Shulamite in the beginning of the Song as she realizes that His affections for her are REAL. This gives me courage for what is ahead and Jesus is becoming more of a refuge, as the world just gets louder and weirder, He gets clearer and sweeter.
EXACTLY, Deborah! Thanks for posting.
It is great to know there are others who believe in the provision of The Bridegroom for His Bride, and that we do not need to run to and fro acumulating food and goods, just in case. Where is the trust? He went to prepare a place for us. The Bridegroom speaks to His beloved and tells her where the sheep are ( the other brides) and where the Shephers is ( The Bridegroom) where He is, there is no lacak and no fear. He is our Husband. Shall He not provide for His Bride? Of course!
I agree with your thoughts in this post, I also believe in 2011 our prodicals will hear a clarion call. They will began their journey home. He is faithful.
In this blog I said: "Strange lights may also appear over cities adding to the fear of an apocalypse. Check out this video on youtube:
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