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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Three Prophetic Signs

This month I want to point to some important events that all seem to speak to the fact that we are drawing closer to the coming of our Bridegroom. One way God speaks to mankind is through significant events of nature. He gives us signs in the heavens and on earth and we must seek to understand the meaning of those events by decoding the information that God has encoded into the event. Recently three such events caught my attention.

The Extreme Super Moon

On March 19, the moon will draw more closely to the earth than it has in the past 18 years. Astronomers refer to such close encounters with the moon as a "super moon." This particular super-moon will be even more super than ever because it will swing around the earth precisely as it becomes a full moon. Therefore, astronomers are calling this rare upcoming phenomena an "extreme super moon." Some sky watchers believe the lunar effect could inflict massive damage on the Earth. Some are already blaming the earthquake in Japan on the powerful influence of the moon as it comes close to our planet. It will reach its perigee (the closest point to the earth during its orbit) on March 19 - coinciding with the Feast of Purim (Feast of Esther.)

The moon is a representation of the Bride of Messiah. In the Song of Solomon 6:10 she is called "fair as the moon." The book of Esther is a parable that reveals the nature and destiny of the End-Time Bride. Esther is a bride with two names - one Jewish and one Gentile. The Bride of Jesus is comprised of both believing Jews and Gentiles. She is chosen to replace Vashti (who represents the compromised Church.) After Vashti refused to prepare herself and display her beauty before the King's court - the King elevated Esther to her place and throne. The whole story of Esther is about the Last Days. Haman represents the Antichrist, seeking to destroy the Jews one last time. Esther is the Bride of Jesus who is taken out of the world, to serve as a "face-to-face" intercessor for the Jews as they, along with the Church, go through the Great Tribulation (called the "time of Jacob's trouble.)Could the extreme super moon appearing precisely on the Feast of Esther point to the emergence of the Bride of Jesus in these Last Days and the profound effect she will have upon the world?


A second sign that is about to be displayed in the heavens is the close encounter of the comet named, Elenin. This comet was discovered by Leonid (Lion of Strength) Elenin of Moscow, Russia on December 10, 2010. "El" is a Hebrew name for God and "enin" means "hear our prayers" in ancient Aramaic. So, the full name of the comet interpreted is: "Lion of Strength, God, hear our prayers"

Elenin should become bright enough to be seen by hobbyist astronomers in the North American region in September and October. What is most interesting about this Comet is that it makes its closest swing past the earth on yet another Jewish feast day - the Feast of Trumpets. For those of you who have read my book, Becoming the Beloved, you know that the Feast of Trumpets marks the approximate timing of the Rapture of the Bride.


Perhaps the most interesting of these three signs is found - not in the heavens - but on earth. In February of 2011, the first major earthquake struck Christ Church, New Zealand. New Zealand is literally the "uttermost part of the earth" since you can travel no farther away in distance from Jerusalem than New Zealand. Was God speaking through this natural event? I find it interesting that the epicenter was in Christ Church since the Bible says that "judgment must begin at the house of God." (1 Peter 4:17)

The second major earthquake came just days ago when a 9.0 quake struck Sendai, Japan. The meaning of "Sendai" is "the evening of the seventh." You will recall that when God created the heavens and earth he declared that the "evening and the morning" comprised the day. Still today, Jews count the beginning of the day at sunset - not sunrise. So, could God be speaking through this natural event to tell us that we are transitioning from the 6th (final) day of human history into the 7th (the Messianic Age?) The eschatology of many Jewish scholars points to the belief that the world is, indeed, standing at the threshold of the end.

Arise, Bride of Messiah!

In my previous blog, I said that 2011 would prove to be a year filled with signs in the heavens and the earth and these are but a few examples of what is to come. But, the signs themselves are not what is most important. What is most important is what we do in light of what God is saying. It is time for the Bride of Jesus to arise to her royal calling "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:13.)


deborah said...

I'm reminded also of the extra oil we need. It is interesting to me that as the world scrambles in fear to gather extra food and provisions, as Brides we gather extra oil by spending time with Him as well as stocking up some extra supplies in the pantry. This gathering of oil by relationship is a powerful antidote to fear for me personally.
I can see the great need for entering into the rest of the Sabbath too.

Gill UK said...

Hi, thank you, I your insights are very thought provoking and interesting. Please can you explain more about what 'emergence of the Bride of Jesus' will 'look like' this the Bride coming out of the Church, or simply individuals hearing the corporate call to be the Bride - as some have already heard?

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