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Friday, April 13, 2012

Update on the "Global Sense of Dread"

In January I communicated with about five hundred subscribers to our newsletter called "The Shulamite's Tent." In it I shared about how many of the people in our church in Texas were having a similar experience which we described as a sudden "sense of dread." It would fall over us like a shroud making us feel like something terrible was about to happen. Then, as quickly as the feeling came it lifted. At first I assumed this experience was happening only to me and that it was probably an attack from demonic powers. So, I stood against it. When it persisted, however, I took the opportunity to check with our church leadership team to see if they were experiencing anything similar to this. To my surprise they were. Then we branched out and asked the general membership of our church only to discover that this "sense of dread" experience was prevalent.

The response to my newsletter was quick and revealing. Person after person emailed to tell me that they too were having this same experience of dread and did not understand what it meant. From many parts of the world the emails kept coming for several days until it became clear that this experience was "global."  People related their personal stories of being "stopped in their tracks" with a sudden sense that something cataclysmic was looming over the horizon.

Our next step was to seek the Lord for wisdom in understanding this unusual experience. The consensus among those in our church was that this was NOT being sent against us as an assignment from our enemy. It was, perhaps, a prophetic warning from the Spirit of God of a future event.

We did not want to be premature in our interpretation nor did we want to sensationalize it into something that would foster fear rather than confidence in God's people. Now, three months later, I am prepared to share with you what I think God might be communicating through this experience. I believe a significant event is indeed destined to occur in the  near future which will effect everything in our lives. I am not able to say for certainty what that event or series of events will be -  but I am prone to believe that it will include a partial economic collapse. This collapse might BE the event itself or it might be the RESULT of another significant event such as war or an attack of some sort. As I have waited upon the Lord for understanding, I feel that this event, while not bringing about a total disaster, will be significant enough to land a "body blow" to practically every person in every nation. There will be weeks of shaking follow by the emergence of a "new norm" in which people will adapt to the circumstances around them and resume a fairly normal life. However, this shaking is just a forerunner of more increasing instability to come. Some will take heed now. More will take heed after the event. But most will simply adjust without making any real long-term changes in their lives.

The natural question is: "What can we do to prepare?" The first thing we should do is to truly begin to connect our hearts to the heart of God by devoting ourselves to prayer and building an authentic relationship with Him. Christian conferences and concerts will simply not suffice to get us through the days ahead. We need to hear his voice if we are going to live with confidence in a world that is being shaken from top to bottom. But beyond that, I don't think it is actually possible to prepare for a long-term catastrophe. I am not one who believes in digging down into the earth and trying to store up years and years worth of food and supplies. Instead, I am preparing myself to be the Bride of Christ and I am trusting Him to take care of His own Beloved. In my opinion, the best we can do is to prepare our families for a short-term emergency - perhaps 3-4 weeks. When people are rushing the store shelves and banks, being prepared allows you to remain in the safety and security of your home until the initial panic subsides.

I hesitated in sharing what I did about preparing for calamity and I did not give detailed suggestions because I know that some people will over-focus on that and miss the really important thing - which is to begin to cultivate the heart of the Bride and prepare for the coming of the Lord. Almost on a daily basis, world events point to the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Whether it is this year or many years to come - He is awakening men and women all over the world to begin to prepare by cultivating an intimate relationship with their Bridegroom.

I promised to update everyone on our newsletter list and this is what I have done.
I want to stress that what I have shared is NOT a "word from God." It is merely an impression of my spirit that has come from seeking the Lord. The Bible says that "in the mouth of two or more witnesses every WORD is established." Confidence or action in what I have shared should be waited upon until God confirms it to your heart through the testimony of other people.  Having said that, I am interested in hearing from anyone who might be able to add any insights into what I have shared.

Many blessings to all our friends

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thank you for sharing, and I do understand your caution and not wanting people to lose their focus on Jesus and becoming His beloved. Interestingly, I had told my sister that in my heart I believed the feeling we were experiencing was related to coming economic turmoil. Additionally, along the same time frame that I have been experiencing this same sense of dread, my husband and his sister have both been dreaming increasingly of tornadoes; they are not harmed in the dreams but rather are helping others escape the destruction. Interesting times! Holding tight to my Bridegroom for the ride :).

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