Wednesday, June 20, 2012
"Exploring the heights and depths of the Song of Songs is a pure delight for me. I have found this little book of only eight chapters to be the most enthralling revelation of the love of God ever offered to the world." - quote taken from the Preface to BREAKING THE SEAL: Insights from the Song of Solomon.
This month I am pleased to announce the publication of my second book, BREAKING THE SEAL, which is very much a companion to my first book, BECOMING THE BELOVED.
For an entire year I taught a class at our church in Texas which I called LoveSong. Each week our small group gathered to pour over the words of the book of the Song of Solomon. Verse by verse we sifted through the spiritual treasure that is buried there. We published the class as an audio podcast and were overjoyed at how well received it was by those who listened. Here are just a few of the comments we received:
~ "Truly precious Anointed teaching, thank you for making this available free by podcast." Gill
~ "This is so good I want it to go on forever Just continues to get deeper and deeper. I am telling all that the Lord brings my way about this site." Mary
~ "This is the best teaching i have ever heard on the Song of Solomon. Hurry up and post some more PLEASE." Teresa
~ "Believable truths!!!! I am so lovesick and hungry for more and more of Him." Lisa
Then it took me almost another year to organize and hone that same material into book form. The LoveSong teaching became the "raw material" for the book. With the publication of BREAKING THE SEAL, the LoveSong project is now complete.
BREAKING THE SEAL is written much like a commentary in so much that I comment on each and every verse of the book. However, I decided to use the subtitle "Insights into the Song of Solomon" because the book is more than a commentary. It contains my own personal notes, insights, thoughts and revelations gleaned from countless hours of contemplating the Song of Solomon in prayer.
One of the things that makes the Song of Solomon so unique is the use of unique Hebrew words which are found only one time in the Bible. These words, called "hapax legomena," are used extensively in the Song of Solomon. I believe these words appear only one time in the Bible because they describe "one time events" that will occur at the end of time. In Breaking the Seal, I have tried to identify and unlock the meaning of these words for the reader. Identifying and understanding these words is one key in unlocking the wealth of the Song of Solomon.
I believe that God has given us the Song of Solomon as a means of awakening our hearts to our true identity and destiny as His eternal Bride. For that reason it is important that we read and study, sing and even pray the words of this special book of the Bible. In doing so, something happens to our hearts. BREAKING THE SEAL will help you understand the poem of Solomon like never before.
Click the image of the book to order your copy today!
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